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Description of initiatives


Initiative 1

Activity 1

2 short-term trainings / study stays of PhD students from UCT Prague at UiT to gain the knowledge about (a) the marine resources as animals, bacteria, microalgae, plants etc. for use in bioprospecting, (b) suitability and application of different methods for the use in research related to bioprospecting, (c) bioavailability, bioactivity and potential toxicity assessment; (d) biotechnologies producing final product based on bioactive compounds

(i) Practical training in the UiT laboratory to get familiar with the strategies employed in bioprospecting research including sample handling, description, storage, prior- analysis processing, bioactivity and potential toxicity testing;  up-scaling of laboratory practices into real-life biotechnology scale. More information here.

(ii) Participation in PhD training course (PhD Course BIO-8009: Marine bioprospecting and bioactive compounds for health) organised by UiT. More information here.


Activity 2

Short-term training / study stay of PhD students from UiT at UCT Prague

Practical training in the lab to gain knowledge on advanced analytical strategies based on employing ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem high resolution mass spectrometry (UPLC-HRMS/MS) for identification of biologically active compounds in biological matrices. Optimization of analytical method, using various databases for compounds identification, chemometric data processing employing multi variate statistics


Activity 3

Experts´ visit of UCT Prague research staff at UiT

Academic staff from UCT Prague attending the Norwegian UiT will gain new experience leading to strengthening of bilateral relations; (i) will explore new opportunities for research collaboration, particularly possibilities for common project proposals in the field of food and biotechnology sciences, (ii) will plan common research activities leading to preparation of scientific paper(s). More information here.


Activity 4

UiT representative’s participation and presentation at the conference organised by UCT Prague

Prof. Stensvag will participate with keynote lecture on topic related to the project activities in the conference Chemical Reactions in Foods VIII (CRF 2017, organised by UCT Prague on 15-17 February 2016 in Prague. More information here.


Initiative 2

Organisation of a workshop on topic related to biologically active compounds in natural resources. More information here.

Updated: 1.7.2017 16:46, Author: Martina Vlčková

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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