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Deepening of cooperation in bioactive compounds research (BIOCOM)

The proposed project aims at deepening of cooperation in common research activities between two universities in Czech Republic and Norway, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Pragure) and UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), respectively. Strengthening and improvement of activities in the field of biologically active compounds research is planned. The partners will benefit from sharing and transfer of complementary scientific competences. UiT team is highly recognized for its credit in the field of bioprospecting, i.e. discovery and commercialization of ´new´ products based on biological resources, specifically marine. For this purpose, advanced biotechnologies, including isolation and purification of bioactive compounds are being developed by UiT jointly with industrial partners. On the other hand, UCT Prague is known for the excellence in the field of advanced, comprehensive analysis of natural matrices, what is the field which UiT is going to develop to reduce the need of outsourcing analytical services. The experience in employing cutting edge instrumental platforms for both bioactive compounds identification and quality / safety / stability parameters control will be the UCT´s project input. Another area for close collaboration and generic knowledge transfer is bioactivity testing. UiT employs an array of biochemical and cellular tests that might be implemented at UTC that has recently bought a robotic platform for this purpose. Both young scientists (PhD students), and experienced academics and senior research staff will increase their research profiles and enhance the skills in interdisciplinary communication through series of short-term trainings / study stays, expert’s visits and participations in events organised by project partners. The cooperation will also enable establishing the new collaborative research teams which will follow the present research, and will also support future extension of the collaboration to include research projects focusing on exploitation of natural resources in general.



The project "Deepening of cooperation in bioactive compounds research" (BIOCOM)  benefits from a 791 000 CZK grant from Norway Grants. The aim of the project is to stimulate long-term cooperation, networking, knowledge sharing and transfer, capacity and competence building in the research field focused on biologically active compounds.

Updated: 28.2.2017 14:56, Author: Martina Vlčková







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    Copyright: UCT Prague 2017
    Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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